A few months ago, I went on a three-day cleansing fast. Normally when I fast, I get a very nasty headache. I decided to increase my GoChi intake to about 90mL (3 ounces) in the morning, then mid-afternoon, and the same in the evening. What really surprised me was that I didn't even have the slightest hint of a headache. Cheers, GoChi, and bottoms up!
Michael Tenikoff
SA, Australia
Building Trade
SA, Australia
Building Trade
My health has improved in many areas since I started drinking GoChi. The headaches that I was having every day are gone. Being a waitress and being on my feet several hours a day, I always went home with tired, aching feet and legs. Since I have been drinking GoChi, these discomforts have lessened considerably. Without GoChi, I would probably not be waitressing. GoChi has also helped with my digestion.
Several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical studies have shown that 2-4 weeks of GoChi consumption reduced stress levels, fatigue, increased energy level, and improved regularity significantly.
Tammy Leitel
WI, United States
WI, United States